Our FAQs page provides quick and helpful answers to common questions about our services. Find information on our day centre, housing and charity shop, amenities, opening hours, costs, and more.

Day Centre
The Anam Croí Day Centre is designed to be a welcoming space at the heart and soul of our community where seniors can gather to meet friends, share stories, and enjoy spending time together.

What are your opening hours?
Day services are open
Monday – Friday, 10.00am – 2.00pm
(office hours 9.00am – 4.00pm).
Where are you located?
Located behind Church View housing estate, Oranmore Road, Claregalway, H91 XR7R.
What do you do there?
We are a socialisation service for older people. The day begins with refreshments and chat followed by Rosary, gentle seated exercise, meditation and word games. After that breakout groups for bingo, cards, arts and crafts. Hot lunch is served at 1.00pm and departure 2.00pm.
Is bus transport available?
Bus transport is available within a 10km radius of Claregalway.
Monday & Tuesday = Galway direction
Wednesday = Oranmore direction
Thursday = Turloughmore direction
Friday = Corrandulla direction
How much do you charge?
With bus transport €20, without bus transport €15.
What does the fee cover?
The fee covers all refreshments, 3 course lunch, all materials used throughout the day.
How are you funded?
We are primarily self-funded with a Section 39 contribution from the HSE.
Are you a registered charity?
Yes, Charity Registration Number 20079598, Revenue Charity Number CHY20102.
What is the application procedure?
You will be issued with a Referral Form for completion on behalf of the person you wish to refer. This form will need to be supported by a brief medical history and a copy of current prescription. Once received you will be contacted to organise an assessment meeting which will give a chance to look around the Centre. Provided we can meet the needs of the referee, a mutually suitable start date will be agreed at this meeting.
What can I do to help?
Fundraise: You can help by organising a fundraiser on our behalf.
Volunteer: You can volunteer with us either in the day centre or charity shop. Please note that if you chose to volunteer in the day centre, Garda Vetting will be a requirement. The volunteer application form is available on this website.
Anam Croí is an approved housing body and run 14 independent living units in Gort na Creige, Claregalway.

How many houses do you have?
We have 14 two bedroom single-storey houses.
What is the application criteria?
These houses are for people over 60 years of age with a housing need and who are on the housing waiting list with the Local Authority (Galway County Council).
Are the houses available for purchase?
No, all houses are allocated on a rental basis.
How much is the rent?
For single occupancy, the current rent is €300 per calendar month plus €45 per month management fee.
For double occupancy, the current rent is €340 per calendar month plus €45 per month management fee.
What does the management fee cover?
The management fee covers buildings insurance, waste disposal, public lighting and grounds maintenance.
What extra’s do I need to pay that is not covered in the rent or the management fee?
You will need to cover your contents insurance, the electricity charges and any telecoms connections/mobile phone/internet you require.
Do you accept HAP/RAS?
As an approved housing body we accept RAS (Rental Accommodation Scheme) once approved by the Local Authority (applications for assistance under this scheme are made to the Local Authority).
What is an Approved Housing Body?
Approved housing bodies (AHBs) are independent, not-for-profit organisations that provide affordable rented housing for people who cannot afford to pay private sector rents or buy their own homes. Some AHBs provide housing specifically for particular groups of people, such as older people or homeless people. AHBs are also known as housing associations.
AHB’s are known as approved housing bodies because they are approved under the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1992. This allows them to access assistance from local authorities to provide housing. https://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/1992/act/18/section/6/enacted/en/html
Anam Croí’s Shop (formerly known as Never Too Old Charity Shop) directly supports our Day Centre and Housing services. Our shop stocks great bargains and lovely gifts for all the family, including clothes, shoes, books, bric-a-brac, giftware, furniture and household items with something to suit all budgets.

What are your opening hours?
10:00am – 5:00pm Monday-Saturday.
Where are you located?
How can I contact you?
By Telephone:
091 739385 (option 2) or 087 7132690 (main shop)
085 2615247 (furniture)
Do you offer a furniture collection/delivery service?
We offer a furniture collection/delivery service for larger items, please contact us on 085 2615247 (furniture) for more information.
What items do you not accept as donations?
Unfortunately, there are a few items we cannot sell due to health and safety reasons or because they have no resale value. They would have to be sent to a landfill and would cost us a large sum of money to dispose of. These items are:
- Electricals (excluding lamps)
- Home applicances
- Baby equipment (excluding baby clothes and toys)
- Mattresses, pillows, duvets
Do you offer the opportunity to shop online?
We offer the option of purchasing through our on-line stockist, click here.
How can I become a volunteer?
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer and gaining valuable experience, meeting new people and making a positive impact on the lives of our service users, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact us.